Gameboy Advance Multiplayer

Originally posted by Chaos@Dec 6 2004, 05:38 AM
Do you have Vba Link version, get that from this site
Yes, I do have that version for both VBA programs. What do I do now?

JAPPsmash - Thanks also.
Well, VBALink comes with a little .exe that says vbaserver.exe. All you need to do is to start the exe and follow the instructions there. It will ask you:

- Select number of players (2-4)

Then, after you select the number of players, it will say:

Server address:
VBALink server running...

In this state, the vbaserver is waiting for the others to connect. When each player connects to the server, it will says:

Player x connected

and their respective IP addresses. Then you're ready to play Multiplayer games.

NOTE: When you play multiplayer games with VBAlink, the server computer will take a lot of resourses so it will lose performance. Make sure the server is the fastest computer.
If you want to trade on one computer, you can forget the whole thing with the server. Just go to Options/Link and select One computer.
Originally posted by Denopqrihg@Dec 6 2004, 12:17 PM
If you want to trade on one computer, you can forget the whole thing with the server. Just go to Options/Link and select One computer.
That's right. Only one on one. Thanks for the info ;)
Originally posted by JAPPsmash+Dec 6 2004, 04:58 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JAPPsmash @ Dec 6 2004, 04:58 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Denopqrihg@Dec 6 2004, 12:17 PM
If you want to trade on one computer, you can forget the whole thing with the server. Just go to Options/Link and select One computer.
That's right. Only one on one. Thanks for the info ;) [/b][/quote]
Yeah, I have that part down.


I'm at the Trading Center, and I have both VBA's on the Unpause feature, and when I try to link up, it keeps telling me, "You're friend isn't ready." What else do I have to do in order to make this work?
When I try to connect using the land error messages come up with errors like 10056 and 10061. 10056 mostly when I try to connect to another computer.
No wonder you can't connect two Crystals - VBALink doesn't emulate the old Gameboy cable yet; just get TGB or something for Crystal
I got a dumb n00b question: Are there any programs/is it possible to make a program that can harvest your friends IP from a messenger (conversation) and plug it into the IP field on VBA link automatically?

I ask for 2 reasons: A.) I am lazy.:rolleyes: B.) I don't think all of my contacts are computer literate enough to find out their IP addresses.
I got a dumb n00b question: Are there any programs/is it possible to make a program that can harvest your friends IP from a messenger (conversation) and plug it into the IP field on VBA link automatically?

no there aren't, but VBALink is opensource, so you can add that feature if you want :D

I ask for 2 reasons: A.) I am lazy.:rolleyes: B.) I don't think all of my contacts are computer literate enough to find out their IP addresses.

Why don't you just start the server and give your IP to them?
Thanks, will do. I've got C++, but I left the install disk at my folks house by mistake, so it may be a while before I start. Any suggestions for which messenger I should start with?

Also, I didn't read far enough to find out that one of the computers in the link would need to be the server, I thought it would be an equal load stream, silly me :o. I'll rtfm next time.
I tried the approach that each VBA connects to all the others, but it didn't work. You seem to have some programming knowledge, do you know more about network programming (particularly tweaks for making UDP lossless)?
I've never really tried to program something that would access another computer or the internet before, so this will be a first. I don't know how to do what you're asking, but do know two people who might. I have a bro who is majoring in computer programming and an out-of-town friend who is pretty darn good at it. Would you like me to ask either of them?
why won't VBA (link part) work on pokemon yellow? :confused:

am i doing something wrong or it just doesn't work?
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I got a few questions for the VBA.

all right,here is what I did.First I start the vba server and type in 2 players.It will be running and I open up my VBA and type the ip given into the box and connect.It will say player 1 connected.Then,my friend type in my ip into the box and click connect but it gives him some error 11004.We switch position and I try to connect to his ip and the same error appear on my computer this time.

please help me??
Hello im new,

anyway,no$gba can save if u wanna know how well let me tell you
1:right click on the view
2:then press save state,
3:type the name of your save game then press enter :D
4:if you wanna load them just press load stat easy right?? :p