Gameboy Advance Multiplayer

4 swords does work with 2 players!

Anyway, iwas wondering how you go about save/loading, more specifically how do you load for both players at once?
da link cable thing actually works but wen u play 2 visualboy advances at da same time it goes very slow. I think around 45% wen its at da same time.
now I dont get shit... iv tryed the "no$gba" wich dosnt work on even halfo of the roms... and im trying "vba link- 1.7.2L" wich I dont understand ENNY thing off... where that hell in the options are the link options... and iv tryed to open two windos... dosent work.. when one window is marked the other pauses...! can some one plz help me... :rolleyes:
And if some1 dont melive me... i can show some screan prints!

turn off the pause when inactive window on both emulators and try again.

Also i'm playing pokemon fire red and when i save through multiplayer link in pokemon center or start it say's 1mb cuircet board not installed i need to stop this so i can fight multiplayer
I would appreciate it if someone would tell me which one is better for multiplayer experience: No$GBA or VBA Link emulator?
I'll choose vba as you continue from your old saves made on it or other versions(as in single player versions) no$gba crashes alot on me

also the pokemon fire red patch didn't work
Originally posted by charles55021@Dec 1 2004, 08:52 PM
i heard that there is a way to get multiplayer with vba, but how do you use joysticks with those other 2 emulators
Sounds like your a bit behind, with the other emulator just change there keys and it won't muck up the first one

At Least,... i think that what you asking
Okay, I need help here. I'm trying to get a link between two VBA programs on one computer. I'm playing Pokemon Crystal, and I want to trade Pokemon. Can anyone help me here?