Would it be impossible for a ps3 emu?


New member
I think this may be an easy one, as the ps3 is too powerful in terms of graphics shading and processing power


Controller Man
Staff member
impossible ? Well no ... Depends what you mean by possible really. Possible currently, certainly not. You would need a heck of a CPU to preform the instructions fast enough to see the frames change. Possible in the future, yes. Think about it, 10 yeas a go, we had what 2g cpu's and on a single core. Now we are doing 4gs on 8. When we hit 16g's on 32 cores I think we may see a ps3 emulator.

ponder this... http://www.physorg.com/news/2010-12-air-playstation-3s-supercomputer.html
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New member
Funny, so they just figured out that Gaming consoles are powerful.

Computers are Generic allowing them to play any game, but when it comes to gaming, it requires a lot more than a average computer would handle.

Its why the PCSX2 is so slow even if you have 2gb of ram, but ... I've always had an idea for software that could do what hardware does like Space, RAM, Sound and Graphic cards because of emulators.

Could you imagine if someone came out with an "EmuDriver" that lets you go from 80GB to 80PB without have to format, it was also compatible with Mobiles, DS, Mac & Flash drives and you have the option to also do it through the internet, man.

I guess they turn there Retail Computers with there PnP Generic VGA graphic cards into Alien Techware Gaming Computers or make that a Sony PS Who's your Daddy.
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New member
The Fujitsu "K computer" might be able to run a ps3 emulator. It runs at over 8 petaflops. The fastest comp in the world. You can't own it though, since the power it requires is around the equivalent to 10,000 suburban homes. So even if you could buy it for almost 100,000 million, the electricity bill would kill you even worse, lol
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Controller Man
Staff member
Careful doing this, lots for mods and admins are sick of this. We all know there are tuns of these videos around and we are not convinced. Really though, think about it, the cpu in a ps3 is better then anything we could afford. emulating a ps3 would require more cpu, so its not possible. If it were, there would be no way to play it at playable speeds.
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