Problem with forum: Some code showing at the top


Hi, me again.. :)

On the main forum index page, the below bit of code is at the top of the screen. The page is fine apart from that.

'); var sidebar_align = 'right'; var content_container_margin = parseInt('290px'); var sidebar_width = parseInt('270px'); //-->
I'm afraid I can't see anything on Firefox. Besides that, the 3.x series is kind of old, try updating the browser and let me know.
I found the problem but you will have to fix it.

The line is:

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + yuipath + '/animation/animation-min.js?v=420"></script>');

I found a few other similar lines in the source and they have <\/script>, but this one is missing the backslash.

Could you try adding it in?
There! Still getting the error?

Hi Lefteris_D some more problems have appeared. If I click on My Profile, this appears at the top. I suspect it's a similar cause as before.
'); } else { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } document.write(''); //-->