Requesting new emulator additions

Touko White

I'm cute, aren't I?
Some emulators that might be worth adding here:

Yanese (x32 and x64) = Pretty good NES emulator. Last update was on 21/09/2015.
puNES = The most accurate NES emulator currently available.
SNESGT = SNES emulator with high compatibility. (Hasn't been updated since 2007, though, but it's a really good one.)

There's also a couple of ones that need updating (Mupen64Plus and VBA-M), but most of them are already up to date anyway...

If anyone wants to try them out I suggest you do so, so we can get a good description for the page.
(If you want to submit an emulator, do so as well if you like, I mean the ones we have are the good ones, but there's some good ones not on this site like puNES...)

Mupen64plus and VBA-M done (those were the easy ones). For the rest you will need to give me some time :)