
Active member
Sure Lefty has seen this one:


It happened last night. A very big full moon rising behind Poseidon's temple.


hitokiri battousai
if you can raed tihs snetcene tehn pelase wighrt it in its cercort from. tihs is jsut a sinece tset and srory for the dobule psot but it has been a few dyas so....


Active member
"If you can read this sentence then please write it in its correct form. This is just a science test and sorry for the double post, but it has been a few dasy so..."
No, not true. I can see a million ways that doesn't work - most claims of this are a trick, and the letters are arranged so that the reader can still see certain syllable arrangements. It also doesn't work so well for nonsensical sentences where the reader can't grasp the sense and general meaning of words to make an educated guess. Your test isn't very scientific.

Also, "so it is true onley the first and the last letter need to be in the correct place" is a stupid statement in itself. Doesn't really work for words like fart and frat, does it?
I wouldn't take it too personally - but if you're saying something blatantly wrong, I'm going to fix it. That's what a Waz does. That and ninja-style crime fighting.