Gamecube Emulation


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Are there any GameCube emulators that will enable me to use a GameCube rom? I have a Naruto NGC rom that i wanna use, but i dont know if there are or will be any emulators for it. If there aren't, is there any other way i can use this rom?
damn it, does anyone know when a commercial emulator will be released? Im dying 2 play this game
Originally posted by Supershenlon@Jan 11 2004, 12:31 PM
damn it, does anyone know when a commercial emulator will be released? Im dying 2 play this game
1. No one knows when a Gamecube emulator will be released that can play commercial games.

2. As Mourgos said it will be a long time, probably two or three years before you will be able to play commercial games on a Gamecube emulator.
its probably a fake rom. i dont see the point in having roms without an emulator to run on
Originally posted by Mourgos@Jan 11 2004, 08:39 PM
It will probably take much time so if you're dying to play it buy a Gamecube .
I have a GameCube.... I just dont want to import it, because my dad isnt too fond of ordering stuff over the net, and i wont get my credit card for another 3 months :(
Just a question as we are having a discussion on mod-chips. I ask Lefteris or any other Mod.

Is it illegal to discuss or give references to mos-chips.
It's fine. If we were banned from talking about any activities that companies frown upon, we wouldn't have any topics in the emulation section at all.
How to install & get modchips is legal just as feature discussions. There are hundreds of sites doing that and they are still unharmed. One of the reasons is that if you type "buy modchip" at google you will get plenty of sites selling them so there is hardly any harm done by EZ. Feel free to make threads about these matters.

What you do with your console(install modchip) is your business alone as long as it's not used for illegal activities.

Note: You cannot request sites to download emulators that were made with illegal tools, that means almost every xbox emulator(they use XDK).
I got that. I was just quering.

I know installing a mod ends your warranty with the company and that's it. We don't have to worry about that.

But selling mods is illegal.
What...You mean not in all countries?

edit: OK I agree. In our country, you have to purchase a modded console and people are not aware of that.
I never said anything about modding my GameCube......I have freeloader, so i can play imports. I just cant buy them. Also, there arent many shops in UK that do imports. The only one would be Computer Exchange, and they dont have it.
There are plenty of shops in the U.K. that sell imports. Game Exchange, Microsonic - hell, I once found a French version of FF7 in the bargain bin at Electronics Boutique.

Things were better in the past though. Before everything became so corporate, and the stuff on the shelves was written by the same class of people who would buy it, there were little computer shops all around the country full of imports, rarities, bartering, a strange smell which was a cross between "new-car" and "bookshop" and an unshaven geek behind the counter who really cared about what he was selling.

Everything is broken now.
If you have the rom on your computer and a GC read Zelda :Wind Waker thread.I think that belmont had posted something relevant there.
ohhhh man.....that'll take forever. I gues i'll just buy the import somewhere. Now to go look across the UK for a shop called Games Exchange.....