Recent content by Corsair15

  1. C

    What's your suggestion?

    I recently found a link with some Nintendo DS roms and I need an emulator for them. Google guided me right to the emulator-zone But, I'm not very sure if any of them is reliable enough, since I had some big problems recently with emulators, because...
  2. C

    Extracting files from gba roms

    I've read somewhere that you can extract files, like midis, pngs, and stuff from gba roms with the emulator, Visual Boy Advance. Well, the problem is that I don't know how to use this option, or is it at least true, what I read there, because I don't seem to have any luck finding an option in...
  3. C

    Linking roms with no$gba

    I tried linking in no$gba like at was said, but the problem is, that although I could link up the two roms, they don't seem to work at all under nocashgba, not even separatly. What could be the problem? Or you need to do something in plus...
  4. C

    A question about a "retro emulator"

    I'm not sure, if I'm on Topic or not, but the emulator's (about which I would like to ask a question) official webpage is so I think that I'm not off Topic. I tried downloading Tgb Dual from and when I started...
  5. C

    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone! I'm a new member here.