My father's PIII tells me that about this exe, that "This type of file can harm your computer, if it contains malicious code!". There is a red "!" painted at the left of this warning. AntivirX recently caught some other mailcious codes like this file could contain, which is known for destroying or modifying some important things in msconfig(Microsoft configuration) and in the "Windows" folder. Long time ago, these emulators worked perfectly on my father's computer, but now (probably because of a virus or a malicious code) don't work at all. Mainly my computer has been taken to a computer service, and we'll see, if it needs a new soundcard or not. I'm afraid, if I download it, it could cause some serious trouble on this PIII so I don't want my father to be angry. You asked about the OS, well... it's the same: Windows98, also. I hope that this is because of the Soundcard, because after the DirectSound option failed, I couldn't hear anything (no mp3s from Winamp, no strategy or arcade games, which would be supposed to work, even though only the DirectSound failed; it's odd because they had worked with the sound option previously...). Although I still hope, I'll be able to use the microphone option, if we have changed the soundcard (if that was the problem). I just don't understand one thing: if anyone takes a sound record from a game music, he isn't "extracting" those midis, but having some wavs instead. Will it remain a mystery, what they have spoken about? The site has just been removed. I don't understand this...