Why learn C


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Benefits of C Language Over Other Programming Languages​

C is a powerful programming language that offers several benefits over other languages.

  • C is a universal language that can be used for various applications.
  • C is a very efficient language that can write code that is both fast and reliable.
  • C is a portable language, meaning that code written in C can be easily compiled and run on various platforms.
  • C is a well-established language with a large and active community of developers constantly working on improving and creating new tools and libraries.

Key Features of C Programming Language​

C is a general-purpose computer programming language for system administration, network programming, and embedded software.

It has several features that make it desirable for these applications:

  • C program syntax is easy to learn and read; this makes debugging code more accessible and faster.
  • C programs are relatively short compared to other languages, which reduces the time needed to complete them.
  • C is a powerful programming language that enables developers to create sophisticated software systems.
  • The language is fast, efficient, and easy to learn, making it a popular choice for many applications.
  • C is also portable, meaning that programs written in C can be easily ported to other platforms.
  • C has been around for many years (it was first released in 1979), so many libraries and tools are available that facilitate its use.

Use of C and Key Applications​

C is one of the oldest and most fundamental programming languages, and it is extensively used all over the world. C is a fast, portable language with a large library. It is a middle-level language with the advantages of both low-level and high-level languages. And it's disheartening to learn that C programming is becoming less popular by the day. C has left an indelible mark on practically every field and is widely used for application development and system development.

Some applications of the C programming language include:

Operating System​

The C programming language was created with the intention of writing UNIX operating systems. Furthermore, the execution time of programmes written in C is comparable to that of assembly language, making C the most important component in the development of multiple operating systems. It was used to write the Unix kernel, Microsoft Windows utilities and operating system apps, and a large portion of the Android operating system.

3D Movies​

Applications written in C and C++ are commonly used to make 3D videos, because they handle a large quantity of data and do many computations per second, these apps must be extremely efficient and quick. The less time it takes for designers and animators to create movie shots, the more money the corporation saves.

Intermediate Language​

C is occasionally used by implementations of other languages as an intermediate language. This method can be used for portability or convenience, as it eliminates the need for machine-specific code generators by using C as an intermediate language. C includes certain characteristics that aid compilation of generated code, such as line-number preprocessor directives and optional unnecessary commas at the end of initializer lists. However, some of C's flaws have encouraged the creation of additional C-based languages, such as, that are expressly designed for usage as intermediate languages.

Play Important Role in Development of New Programming Language​

The program written in C is easy and quick to execute. As a consequence, the C programming language has resulted in the creation of many other languages. C++ (also known as C with classes), C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Verilog, D, Limbo, and the Unix C shell are examples of these languages. Every language employs the C programming language to varying degrees. Python, for example, uses C to provide standard libraries, whereas C++, PHP, and Perl need C for their syntaxes and control architectures.

Embedded Systems​

The C programming language is the recommended language for creating embedded system drivers and applications. The availability of machine-level hardware APIs, as well as the presence of C compilers, dynamic memory allocation, and deterministic resource consumption, make this language the most popular.

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  1. Foundation: It's a foundational language for system programming and understanding low-level computer operations.
  2. Efficiency: C is known for its efficiency and control over hardware, making it ideal for performance-critical applications.
  3. Portability: Code written in C is highly portable, running on various platforms.
  4. Career Opportunities: It opens doors to roles in system programming, embedded systems, and maintaining legacy codebases.
  5. Fundamental Concepts: Teaches essential programming concepts and underpins many high-level languages.