[UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2)

Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

uhm ... why the hell won't it work with my pokemon yellow??? :confused: (i've got an english version)

and btw - is there any way i could make it work with german versions? coz i've tried loading german pokemon gameboy games on both english and german pokemon stadiums, none worked ... but the funny thing is that english GB games loaded on german stadiums :confused:

It is said that the N-Rage´s plugin won't let you play the GB tower, but I am not really sure.
Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

It is said that the N-Rage´s plugin won't let you play the GB tower, but I am not really sure.

and btw - is there any way i could make it work withAudacity Find My iPhone Origin german versions? coz i've tried loading german pokemon gameboy games on both english and german pokemon stadiums, none worked ... but the funny thing is that english GB games loaded on german stadiums
Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

uhm ... why the hell won't it work with my pokemon yellow??? :confused: (i've got an english version)

and btw - is there any way i could make it work with german versions? coz i've tried loading german pokemon gameboy games on both english and german pokemon stadiums, none worked ... but the funny thing is that english GB games loaded on german stadiums :confused:

It is said that the N-Rage´s plugin won't let you play the GB tower, but I am not really sure.
Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

Hey, uh, it won't let me use my controller when I use this plug-in, why's that? (I'm using an Xbox One Controller for Windows 10)
Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

Get version 1.82a, since the latest version (1.83) won't load the savegame correctly or it's somehow broken. Simply, IT WON'T WORK, saying "Saved file not found". Kodi nox
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Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

Some of the steps here was pretty informative for a beginner, i have tried some Pokemon roms and they didnt do justice for me.
Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

I tried the version 1.82a among other things and it still says saved file not found.
Can anyone of u upload a working n64 pokemon stadium and chrystal rom hack?

My previous computer had a working one but I destroyed the drives..
Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

Just tried a whole lot of versions of project 64 and n rage plugins and reinstalling to no avail.

Any help? somebody please give me a working 64 with chrystal save this is getting most annoying iv been trying this now for days. it should work immediately not this...

Where is help?
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Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

Just tried a whole lot of versions of project 64 and n rage plugins and reinstalling to no avail.

Any help? somebody please give me a working 64 with chrystal save this is getting most annoying iv been trying this now for days. it should work immediately not this...

Where is help?

Help is here.

Try new and better emulator mupen 64

Project for gui is here because orginal emulator is from command line.

On many drivers even vulkan.



Emulator with gui.

Also can be get in retroarch other is parallel64.


Other project is : https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar its updates retroarch every time.


Good luck write to me if you have problem for setup retroarch.

And here saves:

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Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

Sadly I am too stupid and poor with computers to use those programs. I would require a video tutorial just like I did with project64 once.
Its really odd the project64 pokemon crystal should be the same programs I used 5 years ago and they worked flawlessly.
Now it just complains about save game cannot read id.

cant get the project64 to read my pokemon crystal save or any other version of gba.
The only difference now is that I have win10.

Could somebody link me a working project64 with working pokemon crystal? that would be so easy.

Somehow I have a feeling it has something to do with the pokemon crystal rather than the 64stuff.
It is saved at pokemon center it should work but it aint. Cant recall having problems like this before.
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Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

Both parallel64 and mupen64.

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Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

Of course the programs I downloaded dont have interface like the ones one the video.
It seems I have to pay some computer genius to do this for me because I lack the skills.
Why dont they just predo all this and then release them for download..

like toss in stadium 2 with crystal on it and working flawlessly.. but no gotta do everything bymyself without any skills what so ever.. well at least I can play the game in my dreams. even if I got it working then I would prolly have problems with the cheat codes who knows. Thanks for trying to help anyways.
Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

if anybody has a working project 64 and pokemon crystal please give me a link for download. :bow:
Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

lol I just called the local computer guy of this town(only got 1. small town) he has no idea how to do it .. well I guess thats it then. It was nice playing it 5 years ago gosh.. I miss project 64 when it actually worked.

Maybe the problem lies with the crystal ram but I tried several.. Never really had any problems with project 64 b4 it was so simple and good to use. I couldve even programmed a controller to it because it was so simple. real shame.
Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

muppen cannot find the gameboy cartridge rom
no matter how I do it wont detect anything.
it does find the ram but not the rom. I wonder how much do I have to pay to somebody to get this actually working

muppen can only detect blue and red... not gold or crystal or anything wthhh.. I shouldve kept my old pc it had everything working flawlessly
just tried blue on muppen and it didnt work. wth is going on here why nothing works. doesnt anybody have a working project64 with crystal floating around?

edit: bah its useless iv been trying for months now all it says is saved file not found theres no way around it iv tried all the plugin versions too.
the problem probably lies with the save file..
now I started new game and saved in pokemon center am I supposed to do something differently?

just send me a link to a working project64 and crystal if any of u have cannot play otherwise wont work.
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Re: [UPDATED!] - Nintendo 64 : How to emulate Transfer Pak (For Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

problem solved. I had not saved the game properly in the pokemon center thru the game options > save itself
I had only saved it via the rom emulator so this is why it did not reg the save file.

Thank you for trying to help me and now the real churning begins! ahh I love this game