SSF - D3D11CreateDevice() error - help?


Active member
I just tried the latest SSF test version -- SSF_PreviewVer_R28 and it gives me a D3D11 initialization error? I am on Windows 11.

So if I grab the earlier builds, SSF_PreviewVer_12 beta R4, it will run fine. I don't understand. No, I am not a noob. Can you help ? ^_^
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Well-known member
As you know its uses directx11 or directx10 update directx and video card drivers should help.

Because you use basic package build in os so you need install all libraries.


Active member
Remember, I am not a noob. Been there.. Done and done. Restart, D3D11CreateDevice() error again.



Staff member
It's not a matter of being a noob or not. That error is usually resolved, in most cases, with a direct x update or the Visual C++ Redistributable files.


Active member
Okay. I have both to the latest updates. Only SSF_PreviewVer_12 beta R4, it will run fine. I don't get it.


Staff member
This is the latest version (R28), with the latest bios I could find, running the US version of Virtua Fighter 2.

Using latest graphics driver with all the updates on Directx and C++. I am however on Windows 10, so it could be a change that has to do with Windows 11.

I do not have a system running Windows 11 to try it for you, sorry.



Active member
I will check with my newer PC coming in on Jan 24 and keep you posted. ^_^ Also, I think the newer emulator has something to do with the video graphic card.


Staff member
For the record, I still use a 1070 on windows 10. So if you are using something older than me, it could be it.

Unless it is that Macbook in your signature with bootcamp or something like that. I have no idea how it would work there.


Active member
Oh that. I better remove the signature now until I got a newer PC. Oh no, I have another laptop with windows 11. Remember, an older SSF version work fine for me.
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New member
I am running Virtua Fighter 2, US version, on the latest version (R28) with the latest bios available. My system has the latest graphics driver, Directx, and C++ updates, but I am using Windows 10. Unfortunately, I cannot test it on Windows 11 as I do not have a system running that version.