I tried getting stuff from super nova but, to no avail. If somebody could tell me how to use the damn thing it would be great. And, you're right, the no multiple source crap is... well, crap.
I'm guessing BT is Bit Torrent? What's that?
Zidane: I've come back for help every now and again. I just try not to get too involved. But, lately, I've had some extra time on my hands and a new and improved computer, so I'm kinda back into it. And, to answer your questions, I'm not an elitest, and Vincent is doing great.
P.S. JetSetWilly: I find that if I tell it to download a long list of things that they will end up queued if they don't finish within the day. Other than that it's fine.
OH yeah! One more thing. What the f is queued? And how do you pronounce it?
UPDATE!!! I figured out the super nova thing. I was going to supernova.com and not suprnova.org. Yeah, so, nevermind about the tutorial thing. Thanks anyway.