My New Forum

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New member
I don't know if this is the right place to post this.

But i'd just like to share that I am starting my own forum

But i don't know much about skinning IPB, and i would like if I can get a community going and then get some people to help me with it.

One of the things is that when you get 40 posts a new section will open "Beta Testing Realm" where you can download some special things.

I don't mean for this to be spam but I just want to get a community started and try and run a forum, it's also for my multimedia cert 2 course - well she's letting me do this and i'm also getting some acreditation for it.



Free advertising...even in sig. :D


On another forum,if I have any link in my sig I get banned.Topics like this are considered spam and the user banned permanently.
I guess these rules don't apply to EZ.
Every forum has its own rules.


Staff member
Though I really don't want to close this thread it really is kind of spamming so I have to do it. Still, if I were to make an exception and leave it open I would have to make the same exception for other people as well and that's a path that I don't want to take.

As others said you can keep a link to your site in your signature. That way your link will appear in more pages than just a thread simply by participating in threads.

I wish you the very best with your site.

Note: I hope you are using a legal version of IPB.
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