MAME32 Cocktail Cabinet


New member
Hi Guys,

This is all new to me and I've only just been introduced to MAME so pardon the newbie qustion.

I've got MAME 32 installed at the momemnt on the PC but Im thinking of making a cocktail type cabinet and would like to know if there is somewhere where I can change the settings so that the screen rotates at 180 degrees when it is player 2 turn.

I noticed with Mala there is a cocktail cabinet option but I can't find a similar option in MAME32 and Mala only working on command line text is to complicated for me.

I hope this makes sense. :)
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New member
Get the windows version, go to Default Game Options, in the Options dropdown. In the bottom left corner there are rotation options galore.

Otherwise you'll probably have to do some digging to find the option switches for the standard Win32 console version.
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