How To To..................


New member
Hi i have been playing the Sims Bustin out on a visual game boy coz i'm waiting for it to come out here so i can by it. What i wanted to knoq was how can i get to Paradise Island on the visual gameboy?

Please help me

Thank you



New member
To get to the Paradice Island you need to connect two GBAs, right? Well how are you going to do it with emulators? :blink:


New member
Forgotten,creator of VBA,said he won't add multiplayer features.
He doesn't add it because he thinks it will cut down GBA sales...
Anyway I don't know how you can cut down the sales on one of the most suceessful game systems.


New member
Easily.Why would anyone buy "one of the most succesful game systems" if he can have it for free ,with more feautures and much more ,and basically free,games than he could ever afford?The only thing that could still save it would be its mobility but with all these new mbl phones(and I don't mean N-Gage)you can play games as well when not at home,and they start having a variety too.


New member
Well that's not totally true.I know only one person that bought it ,and he sold it right away when he found out about emulation.


New member
Mourgos he would keep it if he knew about flash cards.
I personally love my GBA and have both of them.
GBA is much more powerful than the phones you mentioned.
El Fugitivo I didn't really get your point.GBA is very popular and whatever Forgotten thinks or does cannot effect it.

Jet Set Willy

He's questioning your logic. You said it's lost - and then you said everybody has one. You can see the contradiction there, right?


New member
I guess your right.
This damm university keyboard...
I was meant to write Sold and not lost :angry: