Dark theme for emulator zone


Well-known member
Is there will be dark theme for forums ?

Too bright light is bad for eyes which can hurting.

I just asking.
I would like to at least change the style so that it's closer to what we had, which should already be a little easier on the eyes that the default very bright colors.

I guess adding a dark version of the Emulator Zone style after that hopefully won't be too hard.
There will be an alternative theme(s) soon-ish™. The real priority was to have a working forum after the conversion first. Give us some time :D
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By the way new logo is fantastic im will be waiting for more changes.
For some reason I was given 3 "trophies" when I logged in.

This skin is ok, apart from being rather narrow. I told Firefox to zoom in twice to make it fill up the screen.
I changed the maximum page width to "90%", it should help with filling the screen but not with font size. You will need to use Ctrl + scroll wheel to zoom in for larger fonts if you want that.

Logging in for the first time after the conversion will grant you some random trophies, it is part of the "social" system this forum has by default. It should not bother you much after the first time unless you earn something.
Nah, the trophies don't bother me at all. I had a look at what other ones I might be able to get later. Unfortunately, can't be redeemed for cash. :p

The width and presentation of the forum is fine.
Still no dark theme. :rolleyes: