pokemon emerald


New member
Has any one played it in full 100% english i have it but its not full english some bits are in english.
Is it even out in full english and if so were can u find it i got piles of versions some didnt work


New member
It's been out in the U.S. for quite a while. Google it.

And asking for roms here is not allowed since it's copyrighted material. Read the rules.


mhl12 said:
....um.. I don't get it.. Why are you say that I'm stupid?

it's cuz he(buggesy666) was asking if anyone played the full english version and not asking for the rom.


New member
305soldier said:
it's cuz he(buggesy666) was asking if anyone played the full english version and not asking for the rom.

buggesy666 said:
Is it even out in full english and if so were can u find it i got piles of versions some didnt work

So he was asking where you could find it.