Fusion 3.51 EMU and Game Genie


New member
Hi Folks,
I cannot get the codes for this emu to work on Genesis roms. I have found a post somewhere else of someone who also has this problem. However, there was no replies left to it. Has anyone else had trouble with getting Fusion 3.51 to work with Genesis Game Genie codes? Thanks!


The Retro Kid
Have u checkedif the rom was ripped here from the US because if its from Europe or Japan game genie wont work u can check by looking at the end of the rom download U=US, E=European, J=Japan if they're US GG codes they should work on US roms and so on . I hope this helps.:happy:


New member
Also, if your ROM isn't tagged or named properly you can put it through a program like GoodTools to find out its status and have it tagged properly, so you know what you are dealing with