What plugin does PSX 1.13 use?


New member
What Graphical plugin does PSX 1.13 use?

i wan't to know this because i thought about changing to ePSxe instead of PSx since there is a slight bug in PSx can that annoys me.

But ePSxe isn't too good either, there are graphical bugs in suikoden which were not present in PSx. I already tried alot of different settings, none worked.

In PSx the stone table makes the game crash.
in ePSxe everything except graphic is fine

so if you know please tell me


New member
pSX doesn't use any plug-ins, it's all in the .exe. Here's a though, instead of switchin, use both. 2-5 MB isn't going to hurt you.


Man of Many Talents
From what I remember I didn't have any graphical errors in Suikoden using ePSXe (but I'm not 100% about that, I've played through the game in ePSXe though). More often than not it's about using the right plugin+tweaks for the right game. That's why PSX is the preferred choice by many because it's easier to setup.

I also recommend you have both.

But I should point out that save states isn't the most reliable method to save a game. I recommend you save to memory card whenever possible and just use save states as temporary saves.