VBA Code Help.


New member
I can't seem to get the gameshark codes to work for VisualBoy Advance. I put them in and like.. It starts freezing and making weird noises. I'm trying to put in codes for Pokemon Sapphire. Haha.

Could someone give me a step-by-step on how do to it? It would be greatly appreciated. =\


New member
Okay, I put in the codes... but nothing changes. o_o Is there something special I have to do to make them work or something? I understand how to put them in and such now without the game freezing..


New member
Can someone help me out? XD

How do you do the gameshark codes? I'm trying to put them in for Pokemon Sapphire.


Active member
Don't post that way to get other's attention. Just let them come, the forum is having a quiet day...


Active member
Well, got some clues for you:

1. Check the ROM's country (E) (U), etc...
2. Try with another cheat system.
3. Try with another version of VBA.

I cannot guarantee you this will work...