SNES, Star Ocean, anyone played? Looking for tips.


New member
Hi, first post here!

Anyway, I just got an Xperia Play and it has made me interested in emulation again...well more like addicted to emulation! Oh the endless possibilities of carrying 20 years of gaming history with me everywhere, I'll never be bored again. And it has Pandora! LOL

I started playing Star Ocean with the unofficial translation in place, and so far it's great...the first JRPG to hold my interested for more than five minutes since FFX great. Its even better because I've never played it before. I want to finish the game in one play through and with as little trial and error as possible, so I don't have time to figure out what works down the road as far as the skill system goes...

So if anyone here as played through it and can recommend a solid outline for skill progression I'd be really grateful.