Shutdown Over Network.


Staff member
I'm not sure, but afaik "shutdown.exe" can shutdown machines over the network.
Google for it. However, I've never tried this method and I'm unsure if it even works.

What will probably work is shutdowing a system through remote control software like
Radmin or VNC, as you can simply go to the start menu and select shutdown (though in
Radmin you can also use a special function to shut the machine down without actually
going through Windows)


Active member
No, that didn't help, TchuBacha. I've disabled the messenger service because of annoying popups and I think that shutdown.exe works with messenger service enabled and I don't want to enable it.

I don't want to install any remote admin because he can uninstall it.


New member
Are you trying to impose some sort of control over someone? I could try to help but it would depend on how smart they are.


New member
Since you don't want to use the messenger service...It would be a little hard to shut down any computer. But you should be able to shut down any computer after you tweak them a little. You can use professional trojans but I am not sure how safe they are and will probably open the system up for external vaunerabilities as well even if you are able to run them after all that antivirus and internet firewall stuff installed on remote system. I can give you something (not trojan...ill give you its source too if you want) which can act as "teh messenger service" after you set them up properly on the remote pc via registry. Of course...this would mean you have to set it up without him knowing it otherwise they can do a google search or whatever and become smart. This also means that it will not work if they are smart enough to edit registry keys and remove it from loading up. This also means you would have to be smart enough configure your internet propection software (e.g. norton internet security...if any is set up) to allow it to communicate with your pc over the lan (not messengeeer service). Up for it?