Please help, computer switching Joystick ID's for all emulators, no idea what to do

Windows 8.1 64 bit
Emulators: All of them- NEStopia, FCEUX, Zsnes, they all do the same thing. Even some PC games like Mari0 malfunction in the manner I'll describe below.

Steam PC games, however, all function perfectly.

2 Wireless Xbox 360 Controllers with the official Microsoft wireless dongle.

I have 2 controllers. Let's call the controller I turn on first controller A, and the second B.

When both are on, Controller A is recognized in emulators as Joy 2. Controller B is recognized as Joy 0.

This is across multiple emulators and even some PC games.

This is annoying but not too big of a deal. It just means my friend and I may need to switch controllers.

The real issue comes up when I want to play a single player game.

With a single player game, obviously I only have one controller on.

Well, that controller is seen by my computer as Joy 0, when there's only one controller on.

So I am unable to do anything as the emulators need commands from Joy 2.

I really don't want to turn on a second wireless controller and waste batteries constantly just so I can play single player games on emulators, there has to be something I can fix.

The problem appears to be deeper than faulty emulators because it's across so many different programs. Again, everything works fine in Steam games.

I'm trying to make a home theater PC. I loaded countless roms into Steam so I can launch them all from Big Picture Mode. It's really important I make this machine function properly and smoothly for my family. I would really appreciate it if anyone can point me in the right direction, because I have yet to see any similar problem like this on the net.

Thank you.
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