OoA, my last resort for help.


New member
I'm playing Oracle of Ages on the em visualboy. I'm in Skull Dungeon trying to get the boss key but I have to maneuver my way through a purple lava floor first. I have tried until I'm at my wits end. Is there some reason other than me that I can't get further than 3/4 of the way before the lava devours me? Is there anyone who may have had this problem and can tell me what I'm doing wrong?

If anyone has screenshots or video of this room being completed, please post it. Oh yeah, and is there a way to get the Pegasus Seeds before completing Skull Dungeon?

Thanks Guys


New member
I've tried anything and everything. Nothing works. Is it possible that the em is slower than the GBC and nothing I do will get Link from one end of the room to the other before being swallowed by the lava?

Can Anyone who has played this game on the emulator please help me with an answer to the above question.

People keep telling me they have gotten beyond this room and I consider myself to be a pretty good Zelda player so If it isn't me it has to be the em.

If I need to just give up on this because I'll never get to the other side of the room I want to know for sure.
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New member
Off-topic :
clules, can you please post in very normal fonts next time? (Assuming you are angry with something.....) :cool: