NoGBA with no$zoomer


New member
I have a question.
Are there any cheats available for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009?
I tried to enter only one, the timer stop cheat, in the respective cheat option of the emulator, but I have a problem.I enter the cheat, i get the option to mark it as active.Ok now i start my time trial race , the first ever.The one with the test drive of your duel runner.Aaaand,the countdown starts and finishes, the rear wheel can bee seen spinning but the duel runner won't move and no other commands seem to be detected, requirering me to restart the emulation(The timer is stopped and yes I tried this even after the so called race started).
Now do any of the action trip codes work? or anything? do I have to insert different codes since im playing emulated?

Also you might help me with anotehr problem instead.I think the emulator skips frames for the timer.It doesn't go too fast, but it's just impossible for me to finish the damn race in under 2 minutes.The most I could get out of it was about 70% and a bit of the course without hitting any obstacle.
Any tips? :(
It's a great game, and I just want to pass that damn test run of the duel runner.That is the only thing I wanted to cheat for anyways :((((