I have The Sony E3 Video

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I have the Sony E3 Video Explaining in full detail about Playstation 3 and everything in it
It is amazing and shows some new games and demos
Its is a large file 200mb+
Goes for 1h:45mins
If anyone wants to host it let me know (if people show interest and want to see it)
Or if i find a place to host it or setup my FTP server i will post the link here

If no one has a problem with this being hosted.
Let me know if anyone wants to have it then i will find somewhere to put it


New member
200MB...... errr, I still prefer smaller size. That file is too painful to me. :rolleyes:


New member
Im uploading it now on Google's Video Uploading Service i'm not sure how it will go about linking but i'll give it a go shall I.
It's a long file thats why it is big
It is 262.8mb and is in WMV Format
I could convert it and stuff but it's easier uploading it, maybe someone will download mine and convert it then you can host it, i dunno
So far 212.5mb is uploaded out of 262.8mb (only 256k Up/ But i got 1.5mb down)

I will keep updating how much is uploaded every now and then, and i will let you know when it is uploaded, and approved!
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New member
Very interesting, thank you for the effort :)


New member
hagbard said:
Very interesting, thank you for the effort :)

Well i've had it sitting in 'My Videos' for ages and i thought today am I going to delete it or ask anyone else if they want it.

Also with Google Video, they have to check the file to see if it approves to be hosted, it should be.

In the meantime check out www.mugglenet.com if you like Harry Potter, the counter is down to zero, some lucky bugger is getting the book right now (some aussie shop are opening just for that)
I was confused about time differences but, it 12:25AM Saturday July 16th, UK is behind us, does that mean we get the book before them :p

since ive been writing that, 118mb is now uploaded :p
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holy shit days and night to upload a file. i understand that it's pretty big but holy shit an entire DAY!!!! oh well thank god for my cable connection.


New member
Well i'm back, it is in the 2nd stage of verification, so I guess its ok, but still no link yet, i will let you all know soon
Its very good, show UT 2007 Preview (and the detail and rendering power of the CELL Chip and nVidia Video)
Also I finished the HBP, So Much was uncovered and alot of unexpected twists!

@305soldier - were you referring to me with the days and nights to upload
because i only have 256k up but i got 1.5mb down SOON to be 24mbit ADSL2+ with 14mb Up


@matt5108 no i wasn't really reffering to you i was just suprised when fable siad that it'll take days to upload a file that size on dial-up. sniff sniff poor dial-up users.

your using that google shit right? i couldn't figure out how to use it. i had the file uploaded but then me got lost cuz i got no link and i didn't know what to do.


let's just say i didn't know how to verify or even submit a video with google uploader shiiit i didn't even know you had to verify your video. so know i use yousendit to upload a file to big for rapidshare cuz i really don't fell like splitting a file me just to lazy.


New member
still being verified shouldnt be too long now (I hope not anyway)
If not wait til i get my FTP setup and i'll temporarily let you in
FTP wont be up for a while, so if anyone else has a place to upload it let me know

I Didnt think this video would be wanted to be seen but i guess 6 People say diferent :p

I will let you know if googles status changes


dude try using mega upload or yousendit then post the link on here. trust me after useing one of those you gonna delete that google shit off your computer man.


New member
and why is google shit , because you didn't know how to use it?
If your wondering why i am using it, i am testing it thats the whole point of beta phases, so people can test it to find problems so it can be fixed!

Yousendit deletes it after 7 days, i want it to be available for people after that (people on dial up may take longer if they use dl managers) and this is for other forums as well

The reason why google, is because they would be able to handle bandwidth and are the most trusted with storage and its free!
and mega upload all i found on that, is its a program


it's been like 4 days now in the verifying state and not even uploading so in my eyes it shit. and megaupload isn't a program make sure you went to the right one.