graphics prob on epsxe


New member
Try to use other GPU plugin such as P.E.Op.S GPU plugin.


New member
Also I'd try to play with the "Off Screen Drawing" option in Pete's D3D, OGL & OGL2. Perhaps some of these GPU plugins works better than other with this problem


New member
well i've just tried to use pe.o.p soft driver, and i stopped gettin the weird lines. but now, the battle scenes in ff8 lag alot unless i put the fps limit to 200.... which makes the CGI events very fast and almost unable to comprehend.

so wot now? :D


New member
well its just that the first and second reply was within a day and i see nothin after that so i got kinda impatient :glare:


north west south west
what graphix card are you using. i personally have never got an error like that with a gpu. could your graphix card be faulty? if nothing else try pete open gl that is the one i prefer.


New member
What's your PC specs? :cool:

And you need to click on the 'Nice' setting on Graphic Configuration itself to find out. (Only available on Pete's plugins) :)

You may click on the FPS limit and set them to 60FPS instead.