Emulator Problem: Golden Tee Fore! 2004 "Missing ROM or CHD image"


New member
I downloaded mame64 0.152, gtfore04.zip, and iteagle.zip. When I open mame64 it says gtfore04 is "Overall: NOT WORKING", and I get the "The selected game is missing one or more ROM or CHD images. Please select a different game." What should I do?


Controller Man
Staff member
MAME is a bit tricky to get the hang of. You need to find a game that matches the version of mame.

So if you have MAME 0.152 you need gtfore04 0.152. The biggest pain is that ( at least I dont know how ) you can't get the version from the game easily. The way most of us do it, is with rom checkers. They can go in to the rom and figure out what version it it. So more then likely you are not missing a rom, just that version is. So as you can see its very tricky to find games that match the MAME version you have. This is why most MAME people grab the roms in bulk all known to be version x.xxx then they download the matching MAME version. Also some zip roms are merged and some are split. So unless you have the entire set of ROMs the merged sets will not work.

Please note: downloading and keeping these games is strictly illegal, thus we can not help you find them. Good luck.
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