gba graphics


New member
ok im sitting in front of the computer playing street fighter alpha 3 on gba and im realising that these graphics are like as good as the marvel vs capcom game i have on psx. i think gba has gone a long way for a 32 bit hand held. wat do you people think, just curious :D
They're not quite as good. Much lower resolution for a start. I haven't actually seen the game so I couldn't make any further comments.

But yeah, apart from the lack of 3D hardware, the GBA is pretty much nearly as powerful as a Playstation. Not surprising when you realise that the Playstation is over a decade old now...
I thought the PSone was a nice attempt by Sony to prolong the system's life, make it a bit more portable, and solve the heating problem that it had...somewhat. I was one of the few people I knew that bought one; so I'm speaking from personal experience, not sure how well it sold elsewhere.

I'm a bit curious as to which way the PSP is going to go, and how.
Actually there is no problem with the resolution if you play the game on the small GBA screen.
Pixels show when we play the games on full screen.
GBA is more powerful than what I used to think.SNESadvance actually rules.
I personally love my GBA.
No, you're talking about scale. Resolution is just a common cause of scale problems.

Lower resolution means less information, less detail, whether the pixels are large or not.
Yes you are right.What I wanted to state is that since the screen is small you don't need all this information,so there is no need for a huge resolution.
Perhaps, although that's not usually the case. I think these full screen sprites suffer from certain lost details.