Follow up questions about control pads/joysticks for Mame


New member
I had inquired about hooking up a control pad from Wal-Mart and using it on Mame. I hooked it up to my Dell PC but only 3 buttons would work. I tried messing with the axis thingies but only got those 3 to work. I have since returned the pad to Wal-Mart. I can't remember if the "enable joystick" option under controllers works only after you have installed the joystick. Isn't it only accessible after you have a controller/joystick installed??? Looking at my Mame right now and I can't click on "enable joystick input." Am I right about having to install a stick first or should I be able to click on that now regardless?



You can click on that no matter what...I told ya before,get a pad,and it must work the first time you try it.I had all sorts of gamepads and they all worked with mame....


New member
journeyfan1977 said:
I can't remember if the "enable joystick" option under controllers works only after you have installed the joystick. Isn't it only accessible after you have a controller/joystick installed???
Yup, it's only accesible with a pad plugged.