EpsxE Crash Help


I have not ran any Playstation roms in quite a while. But today I thought I would play some PSX on computer
Well I loaded a game, and it did not work.
All I got was a momentary black screen, then back to my desktop
Okay double check overclock is set for 1 as I know that can be an issue
Check all plugins, and bios . Everything is fine.
Actually it never was changed from when this thing worked.
Okay, deleted the file, and downloaded fresh copies of epsxe and bios,
Set everything up, but it still just goes to the black screen, and dumps me back on the desktop.
Trying to figure out what changed on my computer so that now my PSX games will not play
I do have a slight clue, before when it was loading I had a picture of the controller in the upper right corner of the screen that is not there anymore.
However I reloaded all three of my controllers, and nothing changes.
ANy help here would be appreciated.
What is your OS ?

You using it with updates or not ?
Sorry I am running Windows 10
It worked before with no issues about a month or so ago. I was playing all sorts of PSX games
But at times I switch to other systems, and so might not access an emulator in a while.
I was playing a lot of Gamecube, but again nothing changed in my machine.
Went to play a PSX game yesterday and nothing now EpsxE crashes..
Figured as it wasn't accessed and nothing changed in my computer it should work.
I did get the games working. Found out it was a sound issue. However I am running the games without sound. I have a realtek sound card, but epcxe does not seem to recofnize it.
Did you try update your sound driver and other sound plugin ?