Does any MAME emulator able to play Altered Beast and Vasara?


New member
Hello, everybody,

I am looking for a emulator to play Altered beast and Vasara. Does anyone gv me some suggestion?

The emulator which I had tried following as below:

Download all the bios file in this page

Nebula225: some games able to play, but Altered beast and Vasara fail.

FBA(Final Burn): some games able to play, but Altered beast and Vasara fail.

Winkawaks: some games able to play, but Altered beast and Vasara fail.

Mame 0105b (Dos): Can play everygames including Altered beast and Vasara,but hard to use it, and unable to change key config.

That's all, what i had try so far. So any emulator can play Altered beast and Vasara. As i know, definitely do not have an emulator support 100% roms.


Altered Beast plays in almost every Mame build.Just try Mame32 Plus! for Vasara 2 the last I checked in Mame 0.104u1 works perfect.
I'm sure it works in older versions too. I see you talk about Vasara 1...this game works also.
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New member
Stick with any recent MAME32 or derivate as VampyR said, the other emulators doesn't run Vasara nor Altered Beast