Emulator Problem: Codes for Leaf Green


New member

I have a VBA 1.7.4 on a mac, and am playing the game Leaf Green.
I have been looking everywhere to find which cheatcodes to use if I want to obtain the following 6 pokemons:
Celebi, Jirachi, Entei, Raikou, Growlithe and kingdra. But most importantly Celebi and Jirachi. But none of the codes I have found work.

The only codes I can enter are either CodeBreakerAdvance codes or GameSharkAdvance codes.

I would be very happy if someone could help me out here.

Thanks in advance.
Just to be sure.
When I want to add codebreaker codes (which I suppose the ones you gave me are = 12 digits), I get a window with 6 seperate lines.

So if I for example want a lvl 50 growlithe I would have to enter the following codes like this?

Line1: 9273661 93CAE
Line2: 35EE765D 9888
Line3: C21450C1 CE34
Line4: E1D22EE0 CED8
Line5: E1B62BD9 B6A6
Line6: E1D22EE0 CED8

But then I run out of lines when I still need to enter the second line of the growlithe cheat: 63BFFFCB CDC7 :/
I'll be honest, I don't know that much about Codebreaker codes, I try not to use them. Maybe you can try making a second entry and activate that as a code? That usually works for me. I try to use Action Replay whenever I can, and my experience with GS is better then most, but I know next to nothing about Codebreaker.
Thank you for your answer Mupen64 Man.

So in case I would want to get a lvl 50 growlithe I would have to add 7 lines of Codebreaker codes to my code window. The problem is just that I only have 6 lines in my window. Or am I understanding this wrong?
When I press the link now 5 boxes appear, but I guess it's these: http://xs.gameshark.com/xploder/xploderui.asp?PID=94&SID=1773692&tab=gc&gameid=18247&vn=4 ?
Eventhough those codes only have one line for lvl 50 and one line for the different pokemons (Other link had two lines).

But I entered the codes like this:
Line 1: 92736619 3CAE
Line 2: 35EE765D 9888
Line 3: C21450C1 CE34
Line 4: E1B62BD9 B6A6
Line 5: 63BFFFCB CDC7

Pressed ok and started the game. But still I encounter a Bellsprout in the grass :(
Ah, sometimes its the Rom, some are modified dumps and the file sizes and memory addresses are changed, Have you tried perhaps downloading a different rom, or a different emulator like BoyCott Advance? By the way, approved your posts for you.
But would that mean I would have to restart my game? Because then I'd rather keep my savefile and continue playing with my current ones :)
In some cases, yes. If you choose to get a different rom, your save file might not be accepted, but if you switch between two emulators, its usually a simple matter of renaming the save file. Ive had problems like this with VBA, sometimes it does want to accept codes, and sometimes it wont. What version of VBA do you have? Old versions of that emulator is ALL over the net. :p
I have the 1.7.4 version because I have a mac, maybe that's the problem?
Or maybe it's just codes which require the master code that aren't working for me. Because the warp codes + the infinite master ball codes worked for me without the use of a master code.
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Welp, that is an old emulator, and for the mac there is one more step up. I found 1.7.5 right here on SourceForge. http://sourceforge.net/projects/macboyadvance/ You should try it out to see if it'll work. :) I think its very unfortunate that there aren't that many good up to date emulators for Mac OS. and usually they would not need a master code because they are emulators.
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Ok downloaded the 1.7.6 version of the emulator you linked. And wow it's like 30 times faster than the other :O

However tried using the codes again but this time the following error occured - Warning: Codes seem to be for a different game.
Codes may not work correctly.
I pressed okay and when I encounter a pokemon in the grass the ROM simply restarts :/
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That means that there is something wrong with your version of the rom. I don't know if you can keep your save file or not, but its worth a try, no?
Just my luck. I guess I will just skip getting Jirachi and Celebi, at least I got Lugia, Ho-Oh and Deoxys :)

Thank you for your help clearing this up and giving me a turbo emulator hehe ;)