Cheat problem with VBA


New member
I've been using VBA to play Pokemon Leaf and Fire, but when I try using gameshark codes that let you catch any pokemon it gets stuck on the first one I try to catch. Example, I'll set the code to bulbasuar, I'll be able to catch bulbasaur but when I change the code to pikachu its still stuck on bulbasaur. Anyways if anyone can understand my post and knows a solution i'd be happy to hear it.


New member
What i do to counter this problem is i delete the line for the pokemon that is in, then disable all the codes, i then enter a battle to make sure it changed back to default, then after the batter i enable all the codes then put in the new pokemon code for a new pokemon to catch.

be sure you delete the old pokemon line because, in my experence atleast, when I had the other one still there but disabled, it still ran somehow.


New member
ok i found out the real way to fix that problem. you have to enter the version code before each pokemon you want to catch, if you don't then it will mess up. Its one of those placement type codes that must be exactly before the code in question.