2 Player Mode


New member
Hey guys. I have epsxe installed and everything works the way I want it and it's all good. But there is one thing left that doesn't work.
I can't seem to get both my controllers working in a game. I used that motioninjoy D3 tool to install my ps3 controllers, and they work fine outside of games. and they both work seperate in games. But when I try to play for instance Crash Team Racing 2 player. I get that player 1 Controls both players, and the other controller is ignored. I Checked the gamepad config in epsxe but for port 2, everything is greyed out. I can select multitap, and I have tried some combinations with that, but to no avail. Anybody had this and knows what to do? or any suggestions?

Btw: my buttons are configured correctly.

Thanks alot.
grey'd out? You are not doing it right. You just config the button with the second controller instead of the first. for the first controller you should see p1_... when you press a button and controller two as p2_...

So you would do this.
config -> gamepad -> port one -> pad one [ set up all buttons and make sure they say p1_... and so one ]
config -> gamepad -> port two -> pad one[ set up all buttons and make sure they say p2_... and so one ]

remember there are 2 ports on a psx and each port has a pad and memcard. Dont confuse pads and ports ;)
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Thanks so much ulaoulao! wow I spent so much time trying to figure it out, searching online etc and all it was was a stupid mistake haha. I had both ports configured by the same controller, thinking that I'd configured them seperately :).

One more thing though, you seem to have experience in 2 player with epsxe. I tried it with Crash team racing, and it worked. But the whole gameplay became a tiny bit sluggish, not much, but noticable nonetheless. It also looks like the graphics quality decreased a little, not sure on that though.

Is any of this fixable or is this the best it'll get?

LOL, I just have too much experience in general with emulation.

Turn on frame rate in the gpu dll. See how much frames your loosing. Is this a driver gamepad ( i.e logitec ? ) if so that could be the issue. Always use hid controllers! ( i.e psx->usb). My guess is its not the controller and just the fact you now have two players on the screen. Best advice would be to up the cpu and video card, what do you have?
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cpu is processor right?

then I have:

Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU
E5700 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz

Video: Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family

I don't know what any of that means. But I hope it's enough to play some CTR 2 player!
grey'd out? You are not doing it right. You just config the button with the second controller instead of the first. for the first controller you should see p1_... when you press a button and controller two as p2_...

So you would do this.
config -> gamepad -> port one -> pad one [ set up all buttons and make sure they say p1_... and so one ]
config -> gamepad -> port two -> pad one[ set up all buttons and make sure they say p2_... and so one ]

remember there are 2 ports on a psx and each port has a pad and memcard. Dont confuse pads and ports ;)
For some reason when I try and configure the second controller it doesn't function properly. I get both configurations finished, one with an xbox controller and one for a Gravis gamepad, but when I start up the emulation, either the controls on one fails to work, or it doesn't register as 2 players. I've tried having the second one on multitap, I've tried having them both on multitap, each time they have been in separate ports. Is there something I could try that would possibly yield better results?
I'm running windows vista and having problems getting a second controller configured. Both of my controllers are official Sony ps3 controllers, I tried them both but individually through the same usb port and they worked. Now when I have them both plugged in only one is recognized. I tried whatever I found online that could be helpful, update the drivers, motionjoy or whatever, nothing was working. My laptop has 3 usb ports, yet for some reason only one is working for my controllers. Is there a way I can fix this?

I admit I am a noob to all this stuff, even with forums. I hope I posted this in the right place.
Hi all!

I have the same problem..
Both controls working great but when i run the emulator (epsxe 1.9) only one works.
They are configured but like ulaoulao say's, in my screen dont show "P2" when i config. I'm try everything but i cant make it works.. Anybody could help me?
grey'd out? You are not doing it right. You just config the button with the second controller instead of the first. for the first controller you should see p1_... when you press a button and controller two as p2_... Clean Master Adam4adam Mathway

So you would do this.
config -> gamepad -> port one -> pad one [ set up all buttons and make sure they say p1_... and so one ]
config -> gamepad -> port two -> pad one[ set up all buttons and make sure they say p2_... and so one ]

remember there are 2 ports on a psx and each port has a pad and memcard. Dont confuse pads and ports ;)

Thanks so much ulaoulao! wow I spent so much time trying to figure it out, searching online etc and all it was was a stupid mistake haha. I had both ports configured by the same controller, thinking that I'd configured them seperately .
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grey'd out? You are not doing it right. You just config the button with the second controller instead of the first. for the first controller you should see p1_... when you press a button and controller two as p2_...

So you would do this.
config -> gamepad -> port one -> pad one [ set up all buttons and make sure they say p1_... and so one ]
config -> gamepad -> port two -> pad one[ set up all buttons and make sure they say p2_... and so one ]

remember there are 2 ports on a psx and each port has a pad and memcard. Dont confuse pads and ports ;)

okay so, both the controllers work in pc games, but for some reason I cant configure the second controller, I'm tryna play star wars jedi power battles. i have tried unplugging one controller, the not working one suddenly works. and vice versa. i tried to do the steps u said, but it really wont read the controller. it always says that only one controller is connected and can be configured.
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