Picture on TV shakes during still image display


New member
I just got a handed down Panasonic CRTV. The picture quality is really good when gaming and watching TV. Anyways the problem is there is a slight picture shake when still images are shown on the TV. Anyone have any idea why this happens? I know some people will just say get a new TV, but i do not have the cash right now.
Are you sure its shaking and not flickering due to refresh rate?

Are we talking side to side, up and down? More of a vibration look?
My Tv is very nervous yes lol. It is more of up and down vibration. I noticed it while playing video games, but it also happens when I view pictures on my DVD player too. I know for sure it is the TV doing this not my PS2,PS3 or DVD player which all happen to be Sony.
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Well I'm not sure there is anything we can tell you that will help. Most of us have zero or no experience with TV's and I wouldn't know where to start other than a repair shop..

Could be a vertical hold issue but again, I could be way off
My Tv is very nervous yes lol. It is more of up and down vibration. I noticed it while playing video games, but it also happens when I view pictures on my DVD player too. I know for sure it is the TV doing this not my PS2,PS3 or DVD player which all happen to be Sony.

maybe it just can't seem to get the right screen size, i had that once to:dry:
It is not a big issue with the TV really. Just wanted some type of explanation as to why it was happening. Could be the refresh rate of the TV or something else. I do not have plans to fix the TV. It was made back in 2003. Since i am strapped for cash a fix will have to wait. Thanks guys!
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no problem, if you dont have another tv, you could also borrow an old one from somebody, looks bad, but at least you can game
thats funny, my own CRT TV set does this. Everytime it is on a still picture, the picture on the screen vibrates a little, but it gets smooth once something on the screen moves. ie when I play Super Mario World on the TV set while Mario moves, the picture is fine, and is fine when Mario stops moving, because of the time counter and stuff is still animating, but when i press pause, the picture on the TV screen vibrates slightly.

It also vibrates slightly on the AV, like the menu screen of my DVD player, it vibrates slightly on that but the picture is perfect when watching a DVD. (panasonic DVD player and a Grundig TV)

I think maybe it depends on the make or model of the TV set, I am not sure. When i told my friend's dad who is a TV technician he said it can vary across makes and models.
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It most likely has to do with the fact TV's are made with motion in mind. But when you display a still picture, the refresh rate tends to stand out, as it is still updating the screen even when a still picture is being display.. Probably something to do with the motion of the electron guns beams as they are scanning across the tube
Thanks to Zach and everyone else that posted info here. I have got use to the problem with the TV. The vibrating back ground in Resident Evil is a little disorienting at times. Yeah it is that bad lol. I am not willing to downgrade back to my crappy Memorex TV either. My Panasonic CRTV has picture quality miles away from the Memorex TV.