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  1. B

    Member filtering for who gets to register

    I'm starting to see a big boom in members who come in, don't even bother to say hi, and just go and ask their question like they own the damn forum. I'm sure none of us minds answering questions, but some of them are becoming really stupid and I'm starting to doubt that people read the FAQ...
  2. B

    Why banning violent games doesn't solve anything.

    I know why you're reading this thread. You wanna see what I can come up with - what kind of bullshit I can say that's pro-violent gaming that no one has said before? Well, I'm just gonna recycle a bunch of used ideas because I feel like ranting... Maybe I'll add my own opinion. Myth 1: Violent...
  3. B

    Hey guys

    I'm new, but your probably already knew that so... Let's get to my info. I've been emulating for about 2+ years now and I've used an emulator for almost every video game system (excluding PC-Engine, Amiga, and other non-US or older game systems). If you ever need help I may be able to provide...