Can I use a PS2 DVD to play a burned PS2 CD?


New member
I was wondering because I don't have a DVD burner, and was wondering if I could use a PS2 DVD to boot a burned PS2 CD? Or would it be already in 'DVD-Mode'?


Sly Little Devil
No. If you want to boot into a burned PS2 game you need a swap disk like swap magic or a PS2 with a mod chip.


New member
So I can't do with like the PS1 swap trick where you unlock and then lock the drive after you put in the burned game?


New member
almost all ps2 games are dvd format... so there's no way you can fit an dvd image on a cd.

to play a burned dvd disc, you need to use the ps2 swap disc. I don't think the ps1 trick will work.. not sure though.