Visual Boy Lag Or What?


New member
All right, so I have a version of the Visual Boy Advance and the Pokemon Leaf Green ROM. I've been playing for a while, and all of the sudden the keyboard is all wierded out and I have to press a button multiple times to issue the command. Is this lag or is there something wrong with my Visual Boy? By the way, I only have these issues if I run the game for a while. So could that also contribute to the issue? Thanks.


New member
Perhaps it's a VBA 1.8.0 beta 3 problem, use a previous version to fix it, or derivated builds like VBA S, VBA Smooth or the Kode54 version (official thread not available now)

Also It might be a save type related problem, so set that options like this (I'd make a backup of the save file first):

Options -> Emulators -> Save Type -> Automatic
Options -> Emulators -> Save Type -> Flash 64K

Now you can use the vba-over.ini file is very helpful. Unzip and place it on the VBA folder

Hope it helps
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