Verifying GBA ROMs and Dragon Ball Z games issue


New member

I'll get straight into it: I went to verify my GBA ROMs and some got renamed with the country '(U)' but there was no exclamation mark next to it to say it is verified good. It doesn't have anything next to it aside from the country, and with one of the games it didn't rename it at all and didn?t put it in the ren folder. Does this mean they're bad ROMs? Please help.

Also, while I've got your attention, I can't play Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku and Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 2 because it says that it doesn?t work on my hardware. I read somewhere that if you change the file type to EEPROM it works. I did this but my saved file is still a .sav file ? I tried starting a new file altogether but still had the same problem. Can someone please help?


Old member
The game contains anti-piracy protection that will make itfail to run on "hardware" that contains SRAM. Selecting EEPROM as the save type fixes the problem.


New member
Thanks for replying, but when I select EEPROM as the save type it doesn't work. Does anyone know why this is, or what I could do to fix it? I'm using Visual Boy. Also, does anyone know about my first point as well?


New member
ok first of all i tried all those before the one with options +emulator + save type + eeprom. but nope nothing then i try this
Game Overrides....
then in this property

Save type. eeprom
Flash size. 1024k

Then click ok. And it should work if still does not work then i guess the GBA file is corrupted.. Sorry pal thats the best idea i got. Hope help