Emulator Problem: Changing file names in folder, saved files gone


New member
(I seriously hope I'd be able to make myself understandable enough.)

Okay so I have this folder where all my games are inside, plus the ePSXe application + related config folders. Games including FFVII,FFVIII and FFIX (not placed in separate folders). Yesterday I played FFVII just fine, then after a while I stopped playing and then decided to rename the FFVIII files in the games folder so that it'll look more organised and stuff (Disc 1 to Disc 4). Then shut down computer. Just now I tried playing FFVII, but ALL saved files in the game were gone, including the ones from FFVIII and FFIX. So yeah, I'm panicky right now. My question: do the missing saved files have anything to do with me changing the FFVIII file names? That's all I did; nothing else.



Controller Man
Staff member
Yes, they are save to xxx files with the same name as the game. just rename them as well.

Look in \sstates you will see your old naming of the game dot ( normally 000 ) or if you saved to slot 2 it would be 002
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New member
Wait, so what do I do? These kind of things are a bit blurry to me =S All I see are files named like 'SCUS_941.64.002' and .pic files of similar name. Btw I changed my file names yesterday from

FFVIII Disc1.ccd
FFVIII - Disc 3[tfktfkgch*actually some combination of letters and numbers*].ccd


FFVIII Disc 1.ccd
FFVIII Disc 3.ccd

It's an example only though. Can't remember what the original name files were but it was up until Disc 4. And oh, I copied this folder from a friend so if I recopied the same folder from her do you think it would work?


Controller Man
Staff member
Go in to your epsxe emulator directory. Then go in to the sstates directory. In there you will see the old file name
FFVIII - Disc 3[tfktfkgch*actually some combination of letters and numbers*].001
just change it to FFVIII Disc 3.001


New member
Hmm I didn't see the old naming; only SCUS/SLUS files all the way. But I managed to recover the saved files! All I did was reconfig the memory card in the ePSXe menu (when actually practically nothing is changed - I only reselected the ePSXe000.mcr for slot 1 and ePSXe001 for slot 2) and voila. Any explanations?