Windows on PSP


Such Coin. Many Doge.
I heard about running Linux or Windows on a PSP. I was wondering if anyone has
ever heard about that.:confused:


I am the Stig
You can run windows 95 and 98 on the PSP using an emulator called BOCHS. This has been ported from the computer and is very slow to load. Seting up windows 95 or 98 to run takes alot of effort and knowledge. Its takes around 40 minutes to get windows 98 to load, and once loaded is very slow.

There a couple of video of bochs running windows 95 on the psp here and here

As for linux, there is someone working on running linux on the psp. You can find out about that here.

I think there is way to run old version of Mac OS 7 on the psp, but its likely to be just as slow as running Windows 95 and 98.


New member
Its takes around 40 minutes to get windows 98 to load, and once loaded is very slow.

So they have got it emulated just like on the PC then :D
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Such Coin. Many Doge.
that would be soooooooooo cool to get a good working version that ran good.i tried to read that stuff about uClinux and i dont
understand any of
Half-Life 2 on PSP/ Right
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