Ubuntu users - you too can MAME!


New member
Hehehe! I never thought I'd see the day I'd be playing my roms on Linux, but here it is. I've even got Street Fighter 3 Third Strike running sweet. If you're an Ubuntu 7.04 user, I can only recommend you pop along to this site. There you'll find an easy to install .deb file that'll be very nice and stick the latest SDLMAME (v0.118) on your Linux without any need to compile or fuss.

You can run it from the terminal, or you can find the launcher and stick it on your desktop. When you click it, it takes you to a MAME menu screen, negating the need to install a GUI. Be sure when you have it installed that you edit the mame.ini file to point it at your roms, otherwise you'll get nowhere. Mine are on a separate partition, and I've just directed it at that.

Give it a try and let me know how you get on. This is one to watch I reckon. Me? I'm absolutely thrilled. Suddenly all my Linux emus are really up to date. I feel all modern! :D


Controller Man
Staff member
Lots of emulators run on linux based systems? Heck most are programmed on them for reliability and to get around memory violations. Mame has run on linux for a long time. Glad to here there are more penguin users..

m$ :fuckyou:
-L- :bow:

support your penguin..


New member
Heh! Yeah I know there's been MAME on Linux for some time, but it's usually either quite outdated or compromised in one way or another isn't it? Not to mention the pain for the end user of compiling from source to install it. I just feel that this package offers a lot to the average Ubuntu user, and we should shout it from the roofs. It seems as though it might be regularly updated alongside the Windows equivalent too, which would be great if it proves to be true.

Everyone complains Linux makes things like this difficult. Well, here's how easy it can be. I thought I would have to give up gaming in order to use Linux, but with this and other emu's like ZSNES, Gens and Mupen64, it seems that there won't be any such compromise. I'm still utterly stoked that I can play Street Fighter 3 Third Strike on my Ubuntu so easily, so I'm sorry if the original report was somewhat...excitable! :D

I hope others find it useful.


Controller Man
Staff member
Ya Twisted, ill give you that. Ubuntu has helped the user friendly side of things.. but they didnt start that paradigm, Lots tried Xandros, lyrcos, lindows/freespire, etc etc.... But yes Linux is just intimidating its not all that hard.. It just different ;) The only thing Linux lacks is what you say support. Its like pulling teeth to get updates some times..