Need help with VBA link 1.8 (video of problem included)


New member

OK, I wanted to play kirby and the amazing mirror with 2 different computers in the play house at the same time. At fist I just tried using VBA 1.8 directly without any server help. It worked and then it disconnected a minute later. Then i was told to use hamachi. Hamachi connected fine to the other computer but as you can see in the video VBA still decides to use the regular IP address and not the hamachi one. In the tutorial vidoes the people have no problem when thier VBA uses the hamachi IP. I dont get why its not working. I've been at this for a week now.


Controller Man
Staff member
Sounds to me like a network issue not VBA. If the two computers are in the same building why not use private ip's. A VPN is only going to complicate things. If these computers are not in the same building then a VPN may be best and I would suspect routers and wire walls. I have never used VBA over a network but I did play 4 swords with is once and that was two instances on one computer ( worked fine).


New member
I tried my own IP address but it disconnects whenever it gets to a certain part
it disconnects. I dont know what to do.