Microsoft to Update Windows 7 Activation Tech Next Tuesday


Windows 10
Keep your eyes open for this "critical" update. The process runs in the background like an antivirus and detects "changing registry entries, key settings, the core licenses, and/or information on the boot sector" that are related to activating Windows. The process will also reconnect with Microsoft every 90 days to download new definitions automatically.

In the coming days, we?ll be deploying a new update for Windows Activation Technologies, the set of built-in activation and validation components built into Windows 7. Called Windows Activation Technologies Update for Windows 7, this update will detect more than 70 known and potentially dangerous activation exploits. Activation exploits are sometimes called ?hacks?, and attempt to bypass or compromise Windows? activation technologies. This new update is further evidence of Microsoft?s commitment to keeping customers and partners secure. The update will determine whether Windows 7 installed on a PC is genuine and will better protect customers? PCs by making sure that the integrity of key licensing components remains intact.