Computer Problem: MAME install on new computer with old controller

I built a new computer and installed MAME along with ROM's from a friend to use with a ClassiCade Upright cabinet my brother purchased from Game Cabinets Inc. When playing games, or even using the keyboard/mouse on the desktop, we are having trouble. The mouse clicks are mixed up and the controlls dont all work properly with the games. Are there missing drivers or something I'm not setting up properly?


Controller Man
Staff member
Mame uses raw input. Everything that your devices do, should work in mame. Configuring mame can be a bit of a pain if your not use to it. If you have driver based controller (i.e Logitech) they can give you problems if you install their software. Just get your controllers working with minimal drivers/software and test in the control panel of the OS. If they work there, they will work in Mame. Then in mame(during game play) configure the global buttons. If a game needs special config use the per game config.
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