Mac OS X PS/2 Questions


New member
Hey guys,

I am running the latest version of Mac OS X on my iMac. Basically, what I want to do is play some PS1 and PS2 games on my iMac with a PS3 Dualshock3 controller. The iMac has bluetooth built in but I don't know if PS3 controllers can be used with computers or if they are proprietary to PS3?

So I have some questions, I don't know how active these forums are but hopefully someone can answer them:

1) What is the best emulator for OS X that will run both PS1 and PS2 games? I don't mind downloading two seperate emulators (one for PS1, one for PS2) if necessary but I assume since the PS2 can play PS1 games, the PS2 emulator could play PS1 roms?

2) What do I need, if anything, to be able to use a Dualshock 3 controller to play these roms through bluetooth?

Any help is much appreciated!

@ AnAutisticDog: sorry, the part about the roms are edited out
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Such Coin. Many Doge.
Well, first off.....look HERE