Arcade Emulator for PS2


New member
Please forgive my newbieness, I have a feeling this might be one of those questions that's been asked a thousand times, but browsing around I can't find one for the life of me.

I want an emulator you can burn on CD/DVD and run on the PS2, I vaguely recall seeing one a while back, but can't find it now.

The main games I'd like to run are some Capcom games, Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom, Ghosts n' Goblins...and also some SNK ones like Sengoku and Super Sidekicks.

Basically the games I played in arcade rooms when I was a teenager and which give me a nostalgia trip just seeing screenshots on wikipedia.

I'd be grateful if I could be pointed in the right direction to make this happen.


There is a MAME-PS2 emu but most games are not playable or the framerate sucks.

PS2Mame v0.5
version history
0.5 - A prof of concept demo
Well.. guess you all can guess what this is? It's a very simple port of
MAME v0.37B16 to PS2. Not optimized or with any fancy gui or
NOTE: This is only a alpha/tech demo. Don't call me and cry for
help/features/sound/etc.. It will not run all games! Or, it will most
likely try to run them, but they will not work or run veery slow.
It runs old '80s games pretty well. It runs into performance trouble on
some late 80's games. Though I've only tried a handful of games. Haven't
tried MAME before I started this project, and found it more impressive
than really fun.
I won't fix any bugs or improve it. Been there done that, time to spend
time on more useful stuff.
Someone else will probably release a better version later.Usage:
This version only works from naplink, since it will use it's HOST: file
system to load the gamelist and roms. You could try and burn it on a cd,
if you need another coaster for you party.
The system must be setup like this:
1. The file 'HOST:gamelist.txt' should contain the name of the games
available, one rom on each row. It's the rom name rather than game name
(i.e. 'gng' and 'fshark' instead of 'Ghost and goblins' and 'Flying
shark'). Maximum number of games is 30!
2. The roms should be placed in a directory accessable by 'HOST:roms/'. It
can unzip zip-files, so just throw in the roms folder. Note
that it's better to unzip large games, since RAM is limited and
unzipping eats some mem. Unzipped games should be in 'roms/gamename'
(e.g. HOST:roms/pacman/)
* One can type 'OK' by pressing LEFT then RIGHT.
* 'R2' gives you credits. 'Start'.. well, take a guess.
* It might work to press 'L3' (Esc) to quit the current game and return to
the game selector. Though the next game might throw up on you. You've
been warned.
* Disabling FM emulation (music), or even all sounds, might help slow
games run at full speed. Sound is awful anyway if frames are skipped.
* Only NTSC supported. Live with it.
* Only one pad is supported. See above.
* It looks for libsd in rom0.