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  1. N

    GoodMerge Problems.

    Well, I just verified everything with GoodSNES 2.04 and tried the GoodMerge the set. But, it keeps saying that the first ROM cannot be found... What should I do? GoodSNES says I have em all...
  2. N

    MAME32 question.

    Does MAME32 support 7z or do I have to use zip?
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    Does Project64 support 7z?
  4. N

    GamePad help needed...

    I need a gamepad for my computer for emulation, mainly NES, SNES, SMS and Genesis. What are the cheapest and most effective gamepads? I see one I like, but it's very limited buttonwise (...
  5. N

    Need SNES Emulator

    That can use 7z files. 7z save disc space... >.<! Why can't all emulators be like Nestopia...
  6. N

    Need a Good Emulator for SMS, GG and Genesis :(

    Yeah, I really need a good emulator for SMS, GG and Genesis that can handle 7z files. It's so idiotic to not have 7z compatible. Best compression, saves disc space. So... anyone have any?